PCS Vision
Our mission is to train leaders who are able to learn, think,
and act in ways that will bring glory to God. This training is
delivered in a protected moral environment.
Distinctives of Providence Classical School
Biblical Base
Providence Classical School is part of a community of Christians who share a common vision regarding the training of children, both academically and morally. PCS endeavors to provide a school that is biblically based in all respects and one that provides an environment where students mature in Christian faith. PCS is further committed to providing its students with an education of academic excellence that prepares them for any life endeavor.
"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, accordingly to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." -- Colossians 2:8 NASB
Parental Responsibility/Headship
PCS partners with parents in the training and education of their children, while not replacing their primary responsibility. The school commits to upholding the godly standards of conduct that are foundational to its families. These common standards of conduct, discipline, respect, and honor enable children to grow spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially.
"Bring them [children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." -- Ephesians 6:4b NASB
Moral Innocence
PCS is committed to protecting the moral innocence of its student body. This enables young children to remain appropriately naive to certain mature or worldly concepts. PCS will not introduce these types of concepts, such as addictions or adult behaviors, at school. Parents have the responsibility to evaluate their child's readiness for these concepts and to introduce them at home through the lens of biblical standards. Students in whose homes these topics are discussed will show discretion by not discussing them with other students at school.
"...be wise in what is good, and innocent to what is evil." -- 1 Corinthians 15:33 NASB
Other Oriented
PCS stresses the value and worth of all people and encourages students to put others before self. PCS provides many opportunities for students to serve others and encourages them to maintain an "others first" focus.
"...let each of you regard one another as more important than himself." -- Philippians 2:3b NASB
What can you expect at PCS?
PCS is comprised of families committed to providing their children with an environment where the children's minds are nourished and challenged while their hearts and souls are protected. PCS families are serious about their faith, families, and education.
PCS is unique in the way it functions. Parents are involved in the operation of the school and committed to investing their time in support of its day-to-day workings. One parent from each family is expected to work as a staff member at the school one day a week. Additionally, all parents are assigned to committees on which to serve in support of the school.
The “others first” attitude of service at PCS extends from parents to students, from teachers to administration. God places certain families at PCS and provides them the resources necessary to meet the school’s required commitments. Families encourage one another by serving with a joyful attitude with adults serving as role models to the students. All strive to serve in a way that honors God.
PCS students are expected to be respectful of authority and their peers, to be others-oriented when making choices, and to strive to work to the best of their abilities to glorify God.
All PCS parents are professing believers in Christ, active in their local churches, and striving to model a Christian lifestyle while actively teaching their children about Christ. This creates a covenantal school where faith is passed down from one generation to the next. The Christian worldview employed in every subject taught at PCS supports the faith and expectations of member families.
To excel academically, students exercise discipline, self-control, and respect for authority. These attributes are employed in the home long before students become school age and are reinforced when they enroll at PCS. With this harmonious standard at home and at school, PCS expects minimal disciplinary problems at school.
PCS has spent many years and great effort ensuring that the curriculum used achieves the purposes and goals of the school while being appropriately challenging for students’ maturity level as they go through different developmental stages. The current curriculum is based on years of experience and best enables students to grasp the concepts and skills needed to be successful Christian thinkers and leaders. The curriculum is the same for all students.