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Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the authoritative Word of God (literal, God-breathed), inerrant, verbally inspired and infallible in its original state, and divinely preserved in reliability throughout the ages in all essential doctrines, declarations, quotations, and intentions.  The Bible as the final authority concerning truth, morality, and proper conduct is the sole and final source of all that we believe.  For purposes of Providence Classical School’s doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, the board of directors is the final interpretive authority regarding the Bible’s meaning and application.


We believe there is one true God, manifested eternally in three distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, Who possesses all the divine attributes of, and is co-equal, co-existent, co-eternal, and one in nature with the Father.  We believe that Christ was born of a virgin and that He was God incarnate (both God and man) for the purpose of revealing the Father, redeeming men, and ruling over God’s kingdom.  Jesus accomplished man’s redemption by His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood on the cross.  By His literal, physical resurrection from the dead and His ascension to the right hand of the Father, the sinner is justified.  We believe Jesus to be the mediator between God and man, who will return in glory to judge all mankind.


We believe the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity possessing all the divine attributes with the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is the supernatural and sovereign agent in regeneration, baptizing all believers into the body of Christ.  The Holy Spirit also indwells, sanctifies, instructs, and empowers all believers for spiritual service.


We believe that man was created directly by God and in His image. We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including all life, by direct act in six literal 24-hour days.


We believe everything in the created universe reveals God’s infinity, diversity, and individuality.   God created man in the image of Himself.


We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, Who administers spiritual gifts to each believer for the purpose of equipping the saints and for the building up of the body of Christ.


We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved to eternal life, the lost to everlasting punishment.


We believe that all who put their faith in Jesus Christ are placed by the Holy Spirit into the spiritual body of believers known as “the church,” with Christ established as the head.  The purpose of the church is to glorify God by the teaching and instruction of the Scripture, by providing fellowship, and by fulfilling the Great Commission to reach the world for Jesus Christ.


We believe that man, in his natural state, is a sinner and that the penalty for sin is eternal separation from the Father.  We believe that eternal life is a free gift of grace bestowed upon each repentant sinner who responds in faith to the provision of salvation through Jesus Christ.  Regeneration is instantaneous and is accomplished solely by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Genuine regeneration will manifest itself by righteous attitudes, edifying conduct, and good works to the extent that each believer submits himself to the control of the Holy Spirit.



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