PCS Family Requirements
The PCS admissions process is designed to ensure like-mindedness among the families, to promote unity in the application of Biblical principles of parenting and education, and to protect the mission of PCS for the families currently enrolled.
To be considered a candidate for application to PCS, families must meet all of the following:
Both parents are professing evangelical Christians, active in a local protestant church, desiring a classical Christian, college preparatory education for their children in a morally protected environment, and committed to evangelizing their children in the Christian faith.
Parents are actively protecting their children from extensive knowledge of worldly concepts that threaten the appropriate moral naiveté of childhood. The children’s familiarity with worldly issues is similar to, not greater than, that of the existing PCS student body.
Parents understand and agree with the classical Christian educational philosophy of PCS as presented in Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson.
Parents are consistently applying the principles taught in Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Trip.
Both parents have attended a PCS Visitor Day to observe and understand the day-to-day function of the school.
Both parents must also attend an Information Meeting.
Both parents are available to serve at the school, fulfilling the work requirement portion of the tuition cost.
- Both parents will work on assigned committees.
- Mother will work 8 hours at the school per school week.
- Fathers will participate in Dads' Workdays (several Saturdays during the school year) and clean-up
duty 1-2 Fridays per year during lunch.
- Fathers will lead chapel once per school year. First year fathers are exempt.
To be considered a candidate for application to PCS, students must be:
- A promoting first grade child who has attended public/private kindergarten
- A promoting third grade or younger child who has attended another Christian school in grades K-2
- A child who is currently attending another ACCS member school
- Homeschooled students
First grade or older students currently attending public school must be homeschooled for one year before applying for admission. When fulfilling the requirement to home school for a year, the parents are responsible for personally teaching the children and are not to use a tutor.
All school-age children in the family must be candidates for enrollment.
Grade placement is based on the student's grasp of concepts and skills considered essential to move forward in the PCS curriculum, not on age or previous grade attended.